Arrival to the 4* Seehotel Brunner

Travel information for your journey to the spa hotel in Tyrol

Calculate your route

Travel by car:

Via Inntal highway, exit at: Oberaudorf / Niederndorf. No toll way permit sticker needed when coming from Germany

Travel by train:

Railway stations Oberaudorf or Kufstein take the taxi from Oberaudorf to Walchsee, approx. 14 km take the post bus or the taxi from Kufstein to Walchsee, approx. 20 km

By plane:

Innsbruck Airport at approx. 90 km distance
Salzburg Airport at approx. 90 km distance
Munich Airport at approx. 110 km distance

Special packages for your holiday

All prices are per person/day, including the Seehotel gourmet half-board and excluding the local tax of € 2.50 per person/day. Find out more about our included services! The Seehotel's "ADDED VALUE"

Or you put us a uncomplicated & non-binding request!

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